
Social Media in Government

Gov2.0 Rocky Mountain: Government Online Content: Value to the People

June 12, 2010 – Connie was a presenter and sponsor at the event. View recorded presentation or View slide deck.

Saving Money in Jails

LJN March 2009 – Connie co-presented with Joseph Schmitz (Hamilton County, Ohio) at the March 2010 NIC Large Jail Network meeting on cost-saving strategies in jails. Her presentation summarized key points in her American Jails article, 69 Ways to Save Millions.

Social Media in Justice/Public Safety

NAJIS 2009 — Connie’s  presentation on social media for justice agencies, given at the annual conference of the National Association of Justice Information Systems in Nashville on September 16, 2009, asked attendees to reply to a short survey.

Large Jail Network, Fall 2009Connie gave a presentation on social media at the Large Jail Network meeting in September 2009. The meeting was sponsored by the National Institute of Corrections.